Forgotten British Films...
Tawny Pipet 1944 A charming film that illustrates English village life during the last world war. Shot almost entirely in the village of Lower Slaughter
in the Cotswolds, a village considered to be one of the most beautiful
in England. It characterizes the English love of the countryside and
nature, and in this case the care and protection of some very rare
breeding birds. It features Bernard Miles, Rosamund John, and Niall
MacGinnis (later to star in Jason and the Argonauts) and their
fight against soldiers with tanks who want to disturb the pipets, a
farmer that wants to plough the field, and egg stealers. In the end the
Ministry of Agriculture step in and save the day! The eggs hatch in time
and everyone is happy. A wonderfully English film that perhaps would
not travel well, but would fill British cinema seats in its day.
Originally filmed in Sepiatone and now available from Amazon.
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