Forgotten British Films...
The Bridal Path 1959
I just love this film and managed to get a copy some years ago. It features Bill Travers as a Hebridean farmer who is not allowed to marry his first cousin by the councilors of the island he was born and raised on. Nearly all of the residents of the island are first cousins! and the movement afoot is to put a stop to the practice. Therefore, Ewan McEwan is off to the mainland in a search for a wife! What follows is a witty comedy as he is mistaken for a white slaver, upsets the Highland Games, then accused of poaching and is later arrested. He returns home empty handed and finds his childhood sweetheart is not his cousin after all and everything ends well. Beautifully photographed in West Scotland and The Highlands with pleasant scenes and lovely music performed by the Campbelltown Gaelic Choir.
I just love this film and managed to get a copy some years ago. It features Bill Travers as a Hebridean farmer who is not allowed to marry his first cousin by the councilors of the island he was born and raised on. Nearly all of the residents of the island are first cousins! and the movement afoot is to put a stop to the practice. Therefore, Ewan McEwan is off to the mainland in a search for a wife! What follows is a witty comedy as he is mistaken for a white slaver, upsets the Highland Games, then accused of poaching and is later arrested. He returns home empty handed and finds his childhood sweetheart is not his cousin after all and everything ends well. Beautifully photographed in West Scotland and The Highlands with pleasant scenes and lovely music performed by the Campbelltown Gaelic Choir.
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