The Shriving of Miss Esme Stamp...

Episode 51… Charles visits the ruins

The heavy camera and its tripod were no match for Charles enthusiasm to reach the ruins. In good measure he reached the headland and stood in front of this ruined Manor House. In his eyes, it was as Esme had first seen it. Crumbling structures of forgotten walls, of forgotten rooms, of forgotten lives, overgrown and left to the winds of time. Nothing would enter this dark place, he thought, and yet there was a compelling feeling to it’s strange hypnotism. He felt that love and death dwelt both within its presence and it brought about a chill that could muster only the heart of a living soul.

He began walking through what must have been beautiful gardens skilfully managed by loving hands, now only tall unkempt shrubbery, dark and thorn like, stood where ugly weeds grew upon this dismal soil. He felt no change as he approached. No voice in his head, as Esme had described in her encounter. He stopped some yards from the ruins. This will be ok for a broad shot, he told himself.

Then set up the tripod and mounted the camera firmly. His eyes looked at what was left of the old Turret. It was clear that no one could climb it. Much stonework had fallen and was blocking any way of entry. After the shot, he walked into the remains of the inner building. Very little gave mind to its former glory. It had become a sad and forlorn spectacle, home only to nesting Gulls, perhaps some Crows and the sounds of a restless Ocean.

He returned to cottage feeling rather despondent, but saying to himself: “I will develop the pictures anyway.”


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