The Shriving of Miss Esme Stamp...
Serialized by Patrick George Callaghan and adapted for publication on my blog... Part 11 Charles returned to the house by early evening with the single minded edict that only haunts those driven by passion. He demanded to be admitted. He insisted he speak to Esme; to make his position in her affection settled and to lay siege to any voice of displeasure. Emily was told to show him to the sitting room. He stood with red determination before a nervous Constance. She had no real measure of this man. She had no tack of his strength of weakness. He was an untidier of women. He was an upseter in her world. She held an enraged eye. ‘I know you have slept with my daughter Mr. Hepworth!’ her first words were ruinous and repelling - like the disarming sways cut through French lines by English archers. ‘She told you…! He spluttered the words in total embarrassment and floundered trying to remap his thoughts at this cracking open volley that had the stench of loathing about it...